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7 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
absc 38d8e29734 Abstract setting the cookie for the client request. 2024-08-15 21:20:38 +00:00
absc c9fcd47064 Abstract cookies invalidation. 2024-08-15 21:12:07 +00:00
absc a18fa4989c Use the auth_cookie function to extract cookies. 2024-08-15 21:02:41 +00:00
absc dac21c4537 Abstract cookie handling. 2024-08-15 21:00:06 +00:00
absc a0cbc962d1 Corrected call to authenticate. 2024-08-15 20:41:30 +00:00
absc 29cb046e3d Corrected authenticate function calls. 2024-08-15 20:37:08 +00:00
absc 73d98ed56f Move the defines in their own file.
At the same time, simplify a bunch of APIs.
2024-08-15 20:27:02 +00:00
6 changed files with 152 additions and 136 deletions

View File

@ -3,6 +3,8 @@
ERLC?= erlc -server
ERLOPTS= -I ../../
OBJS= dudeswave.beam dudeswave_app.beam
OBJS+= dudeswave_supervisor.beam dudeswave_handler.beam
OBJS+= dudeswave_user_handler.beam dudeswave_auth.beam

View File

@ -18,9 +18,7 @@
-export([bootstrap/3, start/2, stop/1]).
-define(APPBUCK, dudeswave).
-define(USERSBUCK, dudes).
-define(COOKIESBUCK, cookies).
start(_Type, StartArgs) ->
@ -40,9 +38,8 @@ start(_Type, StartArgs) ->
Dispatch = cowboy_router:compile([
{'_', [
{"/api/v1/user", dudeswave_user_handler, #{bucket => ?USERSBUCK,
cookies => ?COOKIESBUCK}},
{"/", dudeswave_handler, #{bucket => ?APPBUCK}}
{"/api/v1/user", dudeswave_user_handler, #{}},
{"/", dudeswave_handler, #{}}

View File

@ -21,13 +21,12 @@ Here lives all the functions needed to create, update and delete users
from the dudeswave database.
-define(RANDBYTES, 32).
-define(DEFVALIDITY, 365).
-export([authenticate/3, authenticate/4, details/2, new/4,
update/5, delete/2, logout/3]).
-export([authenticate/2, details/1, new/3,
update/4, delete/1, logout/2, auth_cookies/1, invalidate_cookies/1,
-doc """
Verify a session with an existing cookie.
@ -35,24 +34,27 @@ Verify a session with an existing cookie.
-spec authenticate(User, Cookie, Bucket) -> true | false | {error, Reason} when
-spec authenticate(User, Auth) -> true | false | {true, Cookie, Validity} | {error, Reason} when
User :: binary(),
Cookie :: binary(),
Bucket :: atom(),
Auth :: {cookie, binary()} | {password, binary()},
Reason :: term().
Check against che `Bucket` table, containing the list of current cookies,
if `Cookie` is still valid to authenticate `User` session.
Authenticate a user with either an existing `Cookie` or by issuing a new one
after authenticating with `Password`.
If `Cookie` is valid, the function returns `true`. If the authentication is denied
returns `false`
-spec authenticate(User, Cookie, Bucket) -> true | false | {error, Reason} when
-spec authenticate(User, Auth) -> true | false | {true, Cookie, Validity} | {error, Reason} when
User :: binary(),
Auth :: {cookie, binary()} | {password, binary()},
Cookie :: binary(),
Bucket :: atom(),
Validity :: pos_integer(),
Reason :: term().
authenticate(User, Cookie, Bucket) ->
case storage:read(Bucket, Cookie) of
authenticate(User, {cookie, Cookie}) ->
case storage:read(?COOKIESBUCK, Cookie) of
{ok, [R]} ->
CurTime = calendar:now_to_universal_time(erlang:timestamp()),
CookieTime = R#object.value,
@ -68,43 +70,10 @@ authenticate(User, Cookie, Bucket) ->
{ok, []} -> false;
{error, _} -> {error, service_unavailable}
-doc """
Authenticate a user and return a new cookie for the new session.
-spec authenticate(User, Password, Cookies, Bucket) -> {true, Cookie, Validity} |
false | {error, Reason} when
User :: binary(),
Password :: binary(),
Cookies :: atom(),
Bucket :: atom(),
Cookie :: binary(),
Validity :: non_neg_integer(),
Reason :: term().
Authenticate `User` with `Password`, reading the user's details from `Bucket`.
If the authentication is successful, a new cookie is generated and stored in
the `Cookies` bucket. The cookie is returned to the caller in a tuple `{true, Cookie}`,
otherwise `false` is returned and the authentication is denied.
-spec authenticate(User, Password, Cookies, Bucket) -> {true, Cookie, Validity} |
false | {error, Reason} when
User :: binary(),
Password :: binary(),
Cookies :: atom(),
Bucket :: atom(),
Cookie :: binary(),
Validity :: non_neg_integer(),
Reason :: term().
authenticate(User, Password, Cookies, Bucket) ->
case storage:read(Bucket, User) of
authenticate(User, {password, Password}) ->
case storage:read(?USERSBUCK, User) of
{ok, [R]} ->
Validity = case application:get_env(cookie_validity) of
{ok, Value} ->
@ -120,7 +89,8 @@ authenticate(User, Password, Cookies, Bucket) ->
Auth =:= Hash ->
Cookie = base64:encode(rand:bytes(64)),
case storage:write(Cookies, <<Cookie/binary>>, Validity, [{user, User}]) of
case storage:write(?COOKIESBUCK, <<Cookie/binary>>,
Validity, [{user, User}]) of
ok -> {true, Cookie, Validity};
{error, Reason} -> {error, Reason}
@ -136,26 +106,24 @@ Close an existing session
-spec logout(User, Cookie, Bucket) -> ok | {error, Reason} when
-spec logout(User, Cookie) -> ok | {error, Reason} when
User :: binary(),
Cookie :: binary(),
Bucket :: atom(),
Reason :: term().
Invalidate and delete `Cookie` associated with `User` from the system.
-spec logout(User, Cookie, Bucket) -> ok | {error, Reason} when
-spec logout(User, Cookie) -> ok | {error, Reason} when
User :: binary(),
Cookie :: binary(),
Bucket :: atom(),
Reason :: term().
logout(User, Cookie, Bucket) ->
case storage:read(Bucket, Cookie) of
logout(User, Cookie) ->
case storage:read(?COOKIESBUCK, Cookie) of
{ok, [R]} ->
{user, User} = lists:keyfind(user, 1, R#object.metadata),
storage:delete(Bucket, Cookie);
storage:delete(?COOKIESBUCK, Cookie);
{ok, []} ->
{error, not_found};
{error, Reason} ->
@ -168,21 +136,19 @@ Return user details.
-spec details(User, Bucket) -> Value | {error, Reason} when
-spec details(User) -> Value | {error, Reason} when
User :: binary(),
Bucket :: atom(),
Value :: term(),
Reason :: term().
-spec details(User, Bucket) -> Value | {error, Reason} when
-spec details(User) -> Value | {error, Reason} when
User :: binary(),
Bucket :: atom(),
Value :: term(),
Reason :: term().
details(User, Bucket) ->
case storage:read(Bucket, User) of
details(User) ->
case storage:read(?USERSBUCK, User) of
{ok, [R]} -> R#object.value;
{error, Reason} -> {error, Reason};
{ok, []} -> {error, not_found}
@ -194,35 +160,33 @@ Create a new user.
-spec new(User, Password, Email, Bucket) -> ok | {error, Reason} when
-spec new(User, Password, Email) -> ok | {error, Reason} when
User :: binary(),
Password :: binary(),
Email :: binary(),
Bucket :: atom(),
Reason :: term().
The `User` is added to `Bucket`, that is, the users bucket for the application.
The `User` is created, and stored in the application's users bucket
`Password` is salted and hashed with SHA256 before being stored.
The new user is saved with a metadata `status` of `waiting_confirmation`,
based on the application settings, the confirmation method may vary.
-spec new(User, Password, Email, Bucket) -> ok | {error, Reason} when
-spec new(User, Password, Email) -> ok | {error, Reason} when
User :: binary(),
Password :: binary(),
Email :: binary(),
Bucket :: atom(),
Reason :: term().
new(User, Password, Email, Bucket) ->
new(User, Password, Email) ->
Salt = rand:bytes(?RANDBYTES),
Hash = crypto:hash(sha256, <<Password/binary, Salt/binary>>),
Data = #{<<"email">> => Email},
Metadata = [{salt, Salt}, {hash, Hash}, {status, waiting_confirmation}],
storage:write(Bucket, User, Data, Metadata).
storage:write(?USERSBUCK, User, Data, Metadata).
-doc """
Update user's details
@ -230,12 +194,11 @@ Update user's details
-spec update(User, Name, Email, Desc, Bucket) -> ok | {error, Reason} when
-spec update(User, Name, Email, Desc) -> ok | {error, Reason} when
User :: binary(),
Name :: binary(),
Email :: binary(),
Desc :: binary(),
Bucket :: atom(),
Reason :: term().
@ -243,16 +206,15 @@ The details apart from `User` are updated. The username itself is immutable
and cannot be modified. All the other fields, excluding the e-mail, are the
ones that can be seen in the public page.
-spec update(User, Name, Email, Desc, Bucket) -> ok | {error, Reason} when
-spec update(User, Name, Email, Desc) -> ok | {error, Reason} when
User :: binary(),
Name :: binary(),
Email :: binary(),
Desc :: binary(),
Bucket :: atom(),
Reason :: term().
update(User, Name, Email, Desc, Bucket) ->
{ok, CurData, Metadata} = case storage:read(Bucket, User) of
update(User, Name, Email, Desc) ->
{ok, CurData, Metadata} = case storage:read(?USERSBUCK, User) of
{ok, [R]} ->
{ok, R#object.value, R#object.metadata};
{error, Reason} -> {error, Reason}
@ -261,25 +223,103 @@ update(User, Name, Email, Desc, Bucket) ->
Data = CurData#{<<"email">> => Email, <<"name">> => Name,
<<"description">> => Desc},
storage:write(Bucket, User, Data, Metadata).
storage:write(?USERSBUCK, User, Data, Metadata).
-doc """
Delete an existing user from the database.
-spec delete(User, Bucket) -> ok | {error, Reason} when
-spec delete(User) -> ok | {error, Reason} when
User :: binary(),
Bucket :: atom(),
Reason :: term().
-spec delete(User, Bucket) -> ok | {error, Reason} when
-spec delete(User) -> ok | {error, Reason} when
User :: binary(),
Bucket :: atom(),
Reason :: term().
delete(User, Bucket) ->
delete(User) ->
% We are missing the cleanup of the cookies
% here. For that, we need to add at least another
% API to the storage layer.
storage:delete(Bucket, User).
storage:delete(?USERSBUCK, User).
-doc """
Get the authentication cookies from a cowboy request.
-spec auth_cookies(Req) -> {User, Cookie} when
Req :: cowboy_req:req(),
User :: binary(),
Cookie :: binary().
-spec auth_cookies(Req) -> {User, Cookie} when
Req :: cowboy_req:req(),
User :: binary(),
Cookie :: binary().
auth_cookies(Req) ->
#{dudeauth := Cookie, dudename := User} = cowboy_req:match_cookies([dudeauth,
dudename], Req),
{User, Cookie}.
-doc """
Invalidate the cookies in the passed request.
-spec invalidate_cookies(Req) -> Req0 when
Req :: cowboy_req:req(),
Req0 :: cowboy_req:req().
A new request `Req0` is returned to the caller with the cookies zeroed and
completely invalidated.
-spec invalidate_cookies(Req) -> Req0 when
Req :: cowboy_req:req(),
Req0 :: cowboy_req:req().
invalidate_cookies(Req) ->
Req0 = cowboy_req:set_resp_cookie(<<"dudeauth">>, <<"">>, Req,
#{max_age => 0}),
Req1 = cowboy_req:set_resp_cookie(<<"dudename">>, <<"">>, Req0,
#{max_age => 0}),
-doc """
Set the authentication cookies for the provided clien request
-spec set_auth_cookies(Req, User, Cookie, Validity) -> Req0 when
Req :: cowboy_req:req(),
User :: binary(),
Cookie :: binary(),
Validity :: pos_integer(),
Req0 :: cowboy_req:req().
A new request object `Req0`is returned, with the user and auth cookies set.
-spec set_auth_cookies(Req, User, Cookie, Validity) -> Req0 when
Req :: cowboy_req:req(),
User :: binary(),
Cookie :: binary(),
Validity :: pos_integer(),
Req0 :: cowboy_req:req().
set_auth_cookies(Req, User, Cookie, Validity) ->
Req0 = cowboy_req:set_resp_cookie(<<"dudeauth">>, Cookie, Req,
#{max_age => Validity}),
Req1 = cowboy_req:set_resp_cookie(<<"dudename">>, User, Req0,
#{max_age => Validity}),

View File

@ -94,11 +94,9 @@ forbidden(Req, State) ->
<<"POST">> ->
{false, Req, State};
_ ->
#{dudeauth := Auth, dudename := User} = cowboy_req:match_cookies([dudeauth,
dudename], Req),
{ok, Bucket} = maps:find(cookies, State),
{User, Auth} = dudeswave_auth:auth_cookies(Req),
case dudeswave_auth:authenticate(User, Auth, Bucket) of
case dudeswave_auth:authenticate(User, {cookie, Auth}) of
{error, service_unavailable} -> exit(service_unavailable);
true -> {false, Req, State};
false -> {true, Req, State}
@ -114,16 +112,14 @@ content_types_accepted(Req, State) ->
resource_exists(Req, State) ->
#{dudename := User} = cowboy_req:match_cookies([dudename], Req),
{ok, Bucket} = maps:find(bucket, State),
{User, _} = dudeswave_auth:auth_cookies(Req),
case dudeswave_auth:details(User, Bucket) of
case dudeswave_auth:details(User) of
[] ->
{false, Req, State};
{error, Reason} -> exit(Reason);
_ ->
NewState = State#{
bucket => Bucket,
user_exists => true
{true, Req, NewState}
@ -139,18 +135,13 @@ is_conflict(Req, State) -> {true, Req, State}.
allow_missing_post(Req, State) -> {false, Req, State}.
delete_resource(Req, State) ->
{ok, Bucket} = maps:find(bucket, State),
#{dudename := User, dudeauth := Auth} = cowboy_req:match_cookies([dudename,
dudeauth], Req),
{User, Auth} = dudeswave_auth:auth_cookies(Req),
case dudeswave_auth:logout(User, Auth, Bucket) of
case dudeswave_auth:logout(User, Auth) of
ok ->
Req0 = cowboy_req:set_resp_cookie(<<"dudeauth">>, Auth, Req,
#{max_age => 0}),
Req1 = cowboy_req:set_resp_cookie(<<"dudename">>, User, Req0,
#{max_age => 0}),
{true, Req1, State};
{error, _} -> {false, Req, State}
{true, dudeswave_auth:invalidate_cookies(Req), State};
{error, _} ->
{false, Req, State}
delete_completed(Req, State) -> {false, Req, State}.
@ -160,19 +151,12 @@ delete_completed(Req, State) -> {false, Req, State}.
login(Req, State) ->
{ok, Cookies} = maps:find(cookies, State),
{ok, Bucket} = maps:find(bucket, State),
{ok, Data, Req0} = cowboy_req:read_body(Req),
#{<<"user">> := User, <<"password">> := Pass} = json:decode(Data),
case dudeswave_auth:authenticate(User, Pass, Cookies, Bucket) of
case dudeswave_auth:authenticate(User, {password, Pass}) of
{true, Cookie, Validity} ->
Req1 = cowboy_req:set_resp_cookie(<<"dudeauth">>, Cookie, Req0,
#{max_age => Validity}),
Req2 = cowboy_req:set_resp_cookie(<<"dudename">>, User, Req1,
#{max_age => Validity}),
{true, Req2, State};
{true, dudeswave_auth:set_auth_cookies(Req, User, Cookie, Validity), State};
false ->
{false, Req0, State};
{error, _} ->

View File

@ -145,11 +145,9 @@ forbidden(Req, State) ->
<<"PUT">> ->
{false, Req, State};
_ ->
#{dudeauth := Auth, dudename := User} = cowboy_req:match_cookies([dudeauth,
dudename], Req),
{ok, Bucket} = maps:find(cookies, State),
{User, Auth} = dudeswave_auth:auth_cookies(Req),
case dudeswave_auth:authenticate(User, Auth, Bucket) of
case dudeswave_auth:authenticate(User, {cookie, Auth}) of
{error, service_unavailable} ->
{true, Req, State};
true ->
@ -179,15 +177,13 @@ content_types_accepted(Req, State) ->
resource_exists(Req, State) ->
#{dudename := User} = cowboy_req:match_cookies([dudename], Req),
{ok, Bucket} = maps:find(bucket, State),
{User, _} = dudeswave_auth:auth_cookies(Req),
case dudeswave_auth:details(User, Bucket) of
case dudeswave_auth:details(User) of
[] -> {false, Req, State};
{error, _} -> {false, Req, State};
Details ->
NewState = State#{
bucket => Bucket,
details => Details,
user_exists => true,
request => cowboy_req:method(Req)
@ -205,10 +201,9 @@ is_conflict(Req, State) -> {false, Req, State}.
allow_missing_post(Req, State) -> {false, Req, State}.
delete_resource(Req, State) ->
{ok, Bucket} = maps:find(bucket, State),
#{dudename := User} = cowboy_req:match_cookies([dudename], Req),
{User, _} = dudeswave_auth:auth_cookies(Req),
case dudeswave_auth:delete(User, Bucket) of
case dudeswave_auth:delete(User) of
ok -> {true, Req, State};
{error, _} -> {false, Req, State}
@ -220,33 +215,31 @@ delete_completed(Req, State) -> {true, Req, State}.
create_user(Req, State) ->
{ok, Bucket} = maps:find(bucket, State),
#{dudename := User} = cowboy_req:match_cookies([dudename], Req),
{User, _} = dudeswave_auth:auth_cookies(Req),
{ok, Data, Req0} = cowboy_req:read_body(Req),
#{<<"password">> := Pass, <<"email">> := Email} = json:decode(Data),
case dudeswave_auth:new(User, Pass, Email, Bucket) of
case dudeswave_auth:new(User, Pass, Email) of
ok -> {true, Req0, []};
{error, _} -> {false, Req0, State}
modify_user(Req, State) ->
{ok, Bucket} = maps:find(bucket, State),
#{dudename := User} = cowboy_req:match_cookies([dudename], Req),
{User, _} = dudeswave_auth:auth_cookies(Req),
{ok, Data, Req0} = cowboy_req:read_body(Req),
#{<<"email">> := Email, <<"description">> := Desc,
<<"name">> := Name} = json:decode(Data),
case dudeswave_auth:update(User, Name, Email, Desc, Bucket) of
case dudeswave_auth:update(User, Name, Email, Desc) of
ok -> {true, Req0, []};
{error, _} -> {false, Req0, State}
user_details(Req, State) ->
{User, _} = dudeswave_auth:auth_cookies(Req),
#{details := Details} = State,
#{dudename := User} = cowboy_req:match_cookies([dudename], Req),
Data = Details#{user => User},
{iolist_to_binary(json:encode(Data)), Req, State}.

View File

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
ERLC?= erlc -server
ERLOPTS+= -I ../include
ERLOPTS+= -I ../../
OBJS= storage.beam storage_app.beam